10 įdomių faktų apie skruzdėles – mažus, bet labai stiprius vabzdžius

10 įdomių faktų apie skruzdėles – mažus, bet labai stiprius vabzdžius

Ants are insects that belong to the order Hymenoptera. They form three castes: males, females and workers. Ants live in large nests called anthills. They can create them in wood, in soil, under rocks. There are also species that live in the nests of other ants.

Currently, these insects can even live in human dwellings. Many are now considered pests. They feed mainly on the juice of various plants, as well as other insects. There are species that can eat seeds or cultivated fungi.

Ants were first discovered by entomologist Erich Wasmann. He also wrote about them in his scientific work.

In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about ants for kids.

10 The species Paraponera clavata is called “bullet ants”

10 įdomių faktų apie skruzdėles – mažus, bet labai stiprius vabzdžius

Not many people know about this kind of ants like paraponera clavata. The locals call them “kulkų skruzdėlės». They got such an unusual nickname because of their poison, which acts on a person during the day.

This type of ant lives in Central and South America. They have a very strong poison, which has no equal in strength even with wasps and bees. Insects are only 25 mm long, but their sting is 3,5 mm.

During the study of the poison, a paralyzing peptide was discovered. It is worth noting that in some tribes of ants it is used as some rituals. These include the initiation of boys.

Children wear gloves on their hands that are completely stuffed with these insects. After receiving a huge dose of poison, temporary paralysis occurs. Sensitivity returns only after a few days.

9. One of the smartest insects

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Ants are very smart and amazing insects. Their life is subject only to strict algorithms.. They have existed since the advent of dinosaurs on our planet. But, nevertheless, they were able to save many species to this day. Currently, there are about ten quadrillion individuals.

It is worth noting that ants can communicate perfectly. This helps them find food, as well as mark the way to it and help their nestmates do it.

These amazing insects can not only protect food supplies, but also store them in themselves. Mostly in their small stomachs they can carry honey.

8. The queen can live up to 30 years

10 įdomių faktų apie skruzdėles – mažus, bet labai stiprius vabzdžius

Many scientists believe that anthills are similar to human cities. Each such place has its own distribution of duties.

“Soldiers” ants guard the uterus (the queen of all ants), as well as other insects from enemies. Simple “workers” lay housing, expand it. Others are just busy gathering food.

It is worth noting that the ants can rally together to save their queen. Surprisingly, the female has nothing to do with the name. Her duty, which she firmly fulfills, is reproduction and nothing more.

The queen can live much longer than her subordinates, who live with her under the “same roof”. Ant queen can live up to 30 years.

7. The largest colony covers an area of ​​​​6 thousand km2

10 įdomių faktų apie skruzdėles – mažus, bet labai stiprius vabzdžius

In Europe, as well as the USA, Argentine ants live, which form a huge colony. It is known as the largest ant colony in the world. Its territory covers 6 thousand km2. But, to the surprise of many, a man created it.

Initially, this species was found only in South America, but thanks to people it has spread everywhere. Previously, Argentine ants created large colonies. But this species is considered a parasite, as it brings great discomfort to animals and crops.

Ants are all friendly to each other, which is why they can easily be around. Their colonies can stretch up to several tens of kilometers.

6. Capable of taking “prisoners” and forcing them to work for themselves

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Not many people know that such people live in the northeast of the United States. ant species that constantly raid other colonies and take them captive.

This species is called Protomognathus americanus. The ants kill all the adults in the colony and then take the larvae and eggs with them. They raise and feed them as their own.

In one colony of such slaves there can be up to 70 individuals. Since ancient times they have been leading the image of slave owners. As soon as slave ants begin to exude their peculiar smell, their owners kill them or stop caring about them.

5. There are nomad ants

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Ants-nomads live in Asia, in America. Such species do not build nests for themselves, as they constantly move from one place to another.

They can move both during the day and at night. Quietly endure long distances – a day from one to 3 km. These species feed not only on seeds, but also on insects and even small birds. For this they are often called “killers”.

Nomadic ants can take other people’s larvae and eggs with them. Sometimes there are so many insects, about a hundred thousand. Each of them is subject to a certain hierarchy. The bulk are ordinary workers. But the main figure remains – the queen (female).

4. Form “living bridges” from their bodies to overcome obstacles

10 įdomių faktų apie skruzdėles – mažus, bet labai stiprius vabzdžius

The surprising fact remains that many species of ants are able to create living “tiltai». This helps them to cross a river or pond. These include the genus of ants called Eciton.

Once, an experiment was conducted at one of the universities, which proved that some species are even capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of other brethren.

3. Each ant colony has its own smell.

10 įdomių faktų apie skruzdėles – mažus, bet labai stiprius vabzdžius

Each ant has its own specific smell.. This helps him to communicate with other relatives. Each ant family will immediately feel whether a stranger is next to him or his own.

Thus, the smell helps insects find food and warn of imminent danger. The same goes for ant colonies. Each of them has its own unique scent. “Alien” will not be able to pass through such barriers.

2. The bite of a black bulldog ant is deadly

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In the world, such a species of ants as a bulldog is known. They are considered the most aggressive. Among others, they stand out for their size. Their appearance reaches about 4,5 centimeters. The body is often compared to that of an aspen. When people see such ants, they try to avoid them, as their bite is fatal to humans.

Statistics say that 3-5 percent of people stung by bulldog ants die.. Poison almost instantly enters the bloodstream. It is worth noting that this species is able to move by jumping. The largest jump has a span of 40 to 50 cm.

Most often, these insects can be found in Australia. Prefer to live in more humid areas. The level of pain of a bite is compared to the bite of three wasps at once. After a bite, a person first begins severe redness and itching throughout the body. Then the temperature rises.

Sometimes, if a person does not have an allergy, then there may be nothing from one insect. But if 2-3 ants bite at once, then this can already be fatal.

1. In many cultures – a symbol of hard work

10 įdomių faktų apie skruzdėles – mažus, bet labai stiprius vabzdžius

Many peoples believe that ants are a symbol of patience, diligence and diligence.. For example, the Romans determined their place near the goddess Cecera, who was responsible for the forces of the earth, as well as the growth and ripening of fruits.

In China, ants had the status of order and virtue. But in Buddhism and Hinduism, the activity of ants was compared to a useless activity.

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