Kaip prižiūrėti šešką: patarimai, gudrybės ir maisto rūšys

Kaip prižiūrėti šešką: patarimai, gudrybės ir maisto rūšys

The ferret is an amazing and beautiful mammal. He lives on average from six to ten years. Ferrets are very observant and curious and easy to train. One of the most important points to pay attention to is that ferrets are predators. And the nature of the predator cannot be changed in any way, even if you keep the ferret at home. Therefore, if there are rats, hamsters, parrots, rats and any other small animals in the house, they can be easy prey for the ferret.

Ferrets captivate at first sight: they are playful, funny and have a funny muzzle. ferrets easily connect with people, however, at any time they can show character, if there are guests in the house, it is worth considering this. A ferret may perceive new people as strangers and show its teeth. There are many questions about caring for an animal, what to feed it and how to treat it in case of illness.

Ferret care

If more than one ferret is planned to live in the room, it is necessary to allocate a large space for them, where household items and beds for each animal will be located.

Ferret needs to start educate from early childhood. Only by opening their eyes, the cubs are in constant motion and try everything that comes across their teeth. The young animal begins to assert itself and show its character to the owners. It is necessary to explain to the beast what cannot be done, and what can be done. It happens during the game that a small ferret can bite the owner, in this situation you need to immediately explain to your pet that such actions are unacceptable: it is recommended to take the ferret by the scruff of the neck, shake it gently and say loudly “No” or “Fu”. They have a very sensitive nose, so it can be lightly flicked if the animal’s curiosity is too strong.

If the pet begins to become very impudent or play pranks, you can teach him a lesson with a newspaper, imprisonment in a cage, or dip his muzzle into the water. It’s not worth buying into the cute appearance of a predator, once giving slack, the owner and everyone in the house will be under the rule of a ferret. For him, the ideal method of education is the “carrot and stick” method. When the animal realized his mistake and began to correct himself, he should be encouraged for this, for example, give him a sweet. Sausage, sweets, chocolate and cookies are strictly prohibited.

Šeškų turinys

The ferret needs to be cosmetic and hygiene procedures. His claws grow very quickly, for these purposes it is recommended to use a special nail file, but it is better to contact a veterinarian.

It is recommended to bathe the animal twice a month, more times can be only if necessary, for example, if the animal gets very dirty. After bathing, it is necessary to dry the ferret and clean its ears.

The animal needs to plague vaccinationswhich can infect carnivores. One hundred percent of animals die from this disease. Even a pet living at home can get sick by picking up the pathogen through the shoes and clothes of the owner, who comes from the street. Vaccination should be started from three months, for this, vaccines for dogs “Novibak”, “Trivirovac” or “Gexadog” are suitable, the dose should be one third of the dog’s.

Ten days before vaccination, it is necessary to drive out the worms. Some animals may have adverse reactions to the vaccine after vaccination, so it is not recommended to leave the clinic for forty minutes. Do not vaccinate sick and weak ferrets, pregnant and lactating females, and those who are in heat. Since this vaccine very often entails complications, it is recommended to vaccinate only those animals that live in unfavorable areas.

Ferret teeth need to be taken care of very carefully because these animals are prone to gum disease and tooth decay. The mouth is cleaned šiais būdais:

  • šepetys,
  • you can clean the oral cavity in a veterinary clinic.

When the animal is very small, you can brush your teeth with your finger, but as you grow older, you need to accustom the animal to a toothbrush for animals. By keeping your teeth clean, you can avoid many diseases.

How and what to feed a ferret

The animal needs subalansuota ir visavertė mityba. The animal must always have access to water and food. The animal can be fed:

Kaip prižiūrėti šešką: patarimai, gudrybės ir maisto rūšys

  • regular food,
  • sausas maistas

It is not recommended to mix food. The food should contain mainly proteins (about thirty-eight percent) and fats (about twenty-five percent), fiber is enough and one and a half percent. Magnesium, calcium and phosphorus are essential for ferrets.

Do not forget that ferrets are carnivores that feed on rodents in the wild. Protein is meat, which should not be very fatty, as well as dairy products and eggs.

Animals must also be given vitamin and mineral supplements. Small predators need to eat often, fresh food should always be present in their bowls.

The animal should eat two or three times a day. Portions should be small. Ferrets are very delicate and fragile animals, so it is necessary to protect them from heat, cold and drafts. They are very fast and nimble and climb into the smallest cracks, you can accidentally step on them, and since they like to hide under the covers, then sit down by accident.

It is always necessary to check the washing machine before turning it on, as small predators often sit there. Their eyesight is very poor, so jumping from an ordinary sofa can lead to a broken paw.

How to care for a ferret: general conditions

Ferrets do not require much, their maintenance does not cause much trouble. However, for a pet the following must be provided:

  1. The animal must have spacious cage. The animal should feel comfortable and free in it. There is an alternative to the cage – this is the maintenance of the animal in the apartment, like an ordinary cat. However, even with this option, it is necessary to make a place for the ferret, so its pipes, labyrinths and various boxes should be located.
  2. A place where the animal wakes up for a walk. It is necessary to walk the animal. In winter, you need to walk for at least two hours, and in summer you can safely go for hours-long walks through the streets and parks, but be sure to wear a harness on him.
  3. Organization of the toilet. You can make it in a cat litter box, and cat mixes are great as fillers.
  4. Vieta miegoti. The equipment of the sleeping place must be approached carefully and thoughtfully. The place to sleep should be quiet and not sunny. The animal should sleep on something soft, for example, on a terry towel or a bike.

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