Triukšmingos atostogos: kaip padėti savo šuniui išgyventi fejerverkus
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Triukšmingos atostogos: kaip padėti savo šuniui išgyventi fejerverkus

Triukšmingos atostogos: kaip padėti savo šuniui išgyventi fejerverkus

Experts say that first of all, a secluded place should be equipped for the dog, where the light from the bright flashes of fireworks will not reach, since flashes in the sky frighten the animal no less than volleys. You can put your pet in a dog carrier: this way he will feel safe. However, in this case, it is necessary to release the animal every four hours.

Triukšmingos atostogos: kaip padėti savo šuniui išgyventi fejerverkus

A few weeks before the holidays, experts advise you to do the psychological preparation of the dog. It is best to use a recording of fireworks that should be played before the positive action of the dog – for example, before he is going to eat, walk or play. In this case, every day you need to increase the volume of the recording. So the pet will form a favorable attitude to the roar of fireworks, and festive volleys will not take him by surprise.

If there is no recording of the sound of fireworks, experts suggest turning the dog on loud music so that the dog gets used to the noises in general.

Jim Wallis, a British veterinarian, notes that during the holidays, the behavior of the owner is of great importance for the dog. Firstly, you should never reassure a pet in advance: in this way, the animal may have a feeling that something terrible is about to happen that will piss the animal off. If the dog is frightened, you can’t scold it, it’s better not to pay attention to it for some time. This will give the dog confidence, and when he calms down a little, you can play with him and give him some treats.

Triukšmingos atostogos: kaip padėti savo šuniui išgyventi fejerverkus

Veterinarians assure that you should not get carried away with sedatives and sedatives for animals, since in most cases they do not produce the desired effect. Instead, you can purchase drops with pheromones, which are secreted by lactating dogs to soothe newborn puppies. Another tool is a special vest, the fabric of which fits snugly against the body of the animal and thus creates the effect of swaddling, which calms the nervous system. Finally, for the most shy dogs, there are special noise-canceling headphones that are made in the shape of a dog’s head and are attached with special straps.

It is best to consult with a specialist about how to prepare your dog for the holidays and fireworks — in the Petstory mobile application, you can sign up for an online consultation with a zoopsychologist who will tell you how to proceed in your particular case. You can install the application by ryšys. The cost of a consultation with a zoopsychologist is 899 rubles.

Gruodžio 25 2019

Atnaujinta: 18 m. kovo 2020 d

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