Šuo pavydi šeimininkui. Ką daryti?
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Šuo pavydi šeimininkui. Ką daryti?

Šuo pavydi šeimininkui. Ką daryti?

There are many situations when a dog experiences jealousy. As a rule, this happens because of an unstable hierarchy. Simply put, the pet believes that he is following the owner, and not other family members or animals. Therefore, every time someone “lower in rank” approaches the owner, the dog tries to prove that the place next to the leader is hers. How to deal with unwanted manifestation of feelings? The methods will depend on who exactly causes the jealousy of the dog.

1. A dog is jealous of another dog.

If a second dog appears in the house – a puppy, you can be sure: at first there will be no peace. Moreover, the showdown between males goes much more smoothly than between two females. It is believed that female dogs cannot fully accept the leadership role of their rival. However, situations of really aggravated conflict are very rare. If the old-timer began to be jealous of you for the puppy, then in this case you have to take on the role of leader and judge and demonstrate the hierarchy of relations in the “pack”. And it does not matter who will break the law: an old-timer or a novice.

  • Don’t take the wrong bowl

    Watch how dogs eat. If a newbie tries to “steal” an old-timer’s bowl, stop those attempts. And vice versa. We must make it clear to the dogs: each has its own food.

  • Don’t get involved in dog conflicts

    If you still decide to intervene in a quarrel between animals, then all participants must be punished. Both are always to blame. You should never take sides.

  • Give signs of attention

    The leader dog, that is, the old-timer, must be respected. These should be small incentives, such as: the old-timer gets the first meal; when going for a walk, the leader is first put on the collar, and when both dogs complete the command, the leader receives the reward first.

In place of the beginner does not necessarily have to be a dog. It can be a cat, a bird, or any other pet. It is important to demonstrate to the dog that you love them equally and do not infringe on anyone’s rights.

2. The dog is jealous of the partner

Another common situation is jealousy towards the owner’s husband or wife, depending on who the dog recognized as the leader of the “pack”. The first attempts at aggressive behavior must be stopped as early as puppyhood, otherwise a grown dog will cause a lot of trouble with its jealousy.

  • Don’t take full responsibility for your dog. The leader of the pack, as a rule, feeds the dog, walks with it, combs it and caresses it. It is important that the dog receives the attention of all family members.

  • Rapprochement should be gradual. If an already adult animal shows jealousy, it is important that the one to whom the dog is jealous of the owner also begins to care for the pet. Rapprochement with him should take place on joint walks and in games.

  • Don’t play along. No need to have fun and caress the pet when he barks or barks at another family member. Thus, you encourage his behavior, and in the future the dog will always do this.

3. The dog is jealous of the child

A special type of jealousy is the jealousy of a dog for a newborn baby. The biggest mistake many dog ​​owners make is not preparing their pet for a baby. Just once the animal feels a sharp change in the usual way of life, and from a universal favorite it turns into an outcast. How to prepare your dog for the arrival of a new family member:

  • Gradually change the time of the walk. It is advisable to set a new daily routine in advance. What time will you walk with her after the baby is born? What time will you feed her? Move to the new time gradually.

  • Imagine a baby. Do not hide the baby from the dog, let her get to know him. Of course, first at a distance. Let the animal get used to the new smell.

  • Pay attention to your dog. You can not sharply limit affection and attention. With the advent of the child, there may be less time to communicate with the animal, but this does not mean that the pet is completely ignored. Try to find time for the dog so that he does not feel abandoned and alone.

Gruodžio 26 2017

Atnaujinta: spalio 5, 2018

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